08/ 16/ 2018
Each year when my birthday comes around, I take a moment to reflect and re-vision. I used to find this practice exciting, something I looked forward to doing. After 30, it feels differently. It’s a little less energizing and more intimidating.
07/ 08/ 2018
As you may recall, before 2015, I hadn’t been on a date for almost 10 years. I’ve been back in the dating pool now for about three and a half years, and, Carrie Bradshaw was right about one thing: it’s tough out there.
In New York, it’s very difficult to meet new people. I actually don’t know a single single-friend in New York that doesn’t date online. The days where folks meet in the park or at the grocery store are few and far between, because that requires time and taking a moment to say hello. Flirting must be done efficiently, after all, and having to craft witty one-liners in person takes more energy then sending a quick hello message from the comfort of your home in your PJs with a glass of chardonnay.
Since getting back in the dating game, I’ve only met one guy in real time. Ping pong was involved and served as an excellent icebreaker. The other guys were introduced to me via an online dating profile wherein we both swiped right and/or hit it off through a series of surface level messages about football, traveling and/or food.
02/ 06/ 2018
January came and went faster than I could’ve imagined. This month, I’ve focused on building a practice of learning and discovery—one of my resolutions for the New Year.
I committed to doing a self-help workbook with the very cheesy title of Calling in the One, which was written by psychotherapist Katherine Woodward Thomas. The book is written for women that have been single for a while, but desire to be in a lasting relationship. The book is a big commitment. There are seven weeks in the program, which include a daily reading and homework.
01/ 01/ 2018
As another year ends, a new year begins, and I’ve always been drawn to the notion of making a fresh start. 2017 was not as emotionally jarring for me as 2016. I learned some new life lessons, and ended the year with a more hopeful sense of optimism.
Since I started this blog, around New Year’s Day, I take a moment to reflect on the past year. But now, I’d like to do things a little differently. Instead of reflecting on the year, remarking upon what I learned and how I am ultimately better for going through its hardships, I’m going to simply move forward while ringing in 2018.