01/ 02/ 2020
I didn’t blog as much in 2019. Taking a break wasn’t intentional, it just sort of happened. I considered why I wasn’t writing as much and would tell myself that I didn’t have anything to say or write about. I realized later on that this wasn’t completely true.
I also wondered if I really missed blogging. I’m very introverted, and it’s challenging for me to share parts of my life on this very public platform. Blogging was an important part of my early years in New York. I needed a space to sort my thoughts, a place to document my personal growth. I thought that maybe I’d outgrown With Muchness, that I didn’t need this platform any more. But I actually do miss the practice, the discipline it takes to write something and the vulnerability that comes with publishing content. It keeps me honest. I can articulate things when I write that I can’t when I speak.
Read more »06/ 09/ 2019
The 30 day reset challenge is done! And, I must say, that it turned out a little differently than I imagined.
I followed most of my guidelines, but made a few tweaks. Exercise became a goal of working out 150 minutes per week. I also continued having chips with Chipotle. The goal was to reset, to feel more disciplined, and I did. But it was a different kind of disciplined.
Read more »01/ 01/ 2019
It was a quiet New Year’s Eve. I spent the evening baking chocolate chip cookies and watching Taylor Swift’s Reputation tour on Netflix, and it was a delightful way to end the year.
A lot happened in 2018. I finished my first full year at my job, and learned so much professionally. I celebrated one full year of being cancer free. I went on a lot of dates, and a few good ones. I got better at setting boundaries and completed almost every one of my 2018 New Year’s Resolutions (though I could always choose healthier foods and only made caramel once from scratch).
Read more »11/ 18/ 2018
It’s a normal process. To go on in life thinking you’re a certain type of person. There are particular things (activities, hobbies, friendships even) that you prioritize and are important to you, and there are opinions or needs you wouldn’t dream of compromising on.
Then, one day, you wake up. The things you prioritized don’t matter as much to you and you start seeing yourself differently.
Lately, I feel a bit like my dear Alice, lost in Wonderland, living like I am constantly changing, evolving and not the same person that I was at breakfast.