08/ 12/ 2012
When I returned from vacation, something very exciting appeared in my blog’s alerts section. A fellow blogger (and sorority sister) named Meghan nominated me for a “One Lovely Blog Award”—I’m pumped and so appreciative! Meghan has a wonderful blog called “Meg Says,” in which she recommends music, books and movies to check out; she has some excellent finds.
Along with this nomination comes a set of rules (oh how I love structure!):
Here come the FUN FACTS!
15-blogs that I never miss and nominate for a “One Lovely Blog Award:”
1. “The Magnificent Something.” I love this blog—never miss it! G’s writing is both poetic and raw and I admire is ability to be so vulnerable with his readers. He also writes a fair bit about the art scene and always offers an interesting perspective on what he’s seen.
2. “Hyberbole and a Half.” My friend Liz introduced me to this blog in grad school. I thought it may have been my delirious-thesis-writing-state, but Liz and I laughed so hard at the “Alot Monster” post, we had to go for a walk to get it together.
3. “Smitten Kitchen.” This is the site that started my obsession with blogs. Deb is an excellent writer and cook and her recipes always work!
4. “The Miss Adventure Journals.” I love traveling and Siobhan tells us all about her globe-trotting adventures. She shares funny stories, insightful thoughts and beautiful photos from her journeys.
5. “Gracefully 50.” This is the 50-something year old woman I aspire to become: happy, elegant and stylish. This is more of a fashion blog… the lady styles herself! So impressive.
6. “The Style Voyager.” This is another fashion blog for people who like to stay chic while also paying reasonable prices. She styles herself and takes these model quality pictures. It’s a great blog to follow if you need some inspiration.
7. “Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly.” This is my friend (and past roommate’s) photo blog. Bekkah takes the most intriguing pictures. They’re usually of nature or something really visually satisfying.
8. “Classic Confusion.” A personal blog by a twenty-something Canadian girl named Michelle. I started reading it after looking at the “About” page—it was just too relatable. She’s very funny and seems to approach life with a generous dose of practicality.
9. “Health Demystified.” This is a blog I read when I need some tough love (like stop being lazy and eat well—no excuses!). Eric is studying Pharmacy and has a really cool story. He started his blog to uncover the corruption of the pharmaceutical world. I appreciate his realistic approach and he inspires me to live better.
10. “Tulle and Trinkets.” This blog has lots of pretty things that I love to look at. There’s a little of everything: fashion, making something old into something new, decor and pictures. Sarah’s blog is truly lovely!
11. “Frannielovesmarie.” This is a personal blog which I have recently discovered. There are two writers (Frannie and Marie). Each post is unique and well crafted and I just love it.
12. “Mookology.” One of my favorite blogs to go to for great book reviews.
13. “You Monsters Are People.” The title says it all. Matt is hilarious, examining our cultural behaviors, but keeps it real too by offering his fresh perspective.
14. “An Artist Abroad.” Larita has two passions: art and traveling. This is more of a photography blog, that features artsy photos from all kinds of places.
15. “My Life as a Runner.” Since I no longer have a gym membership, I lack motivation to exercise. This kid runs a lot and he runs marathons… these post get me motivated to go take that Yoga class.
What other blogs are you guys reading? Fill me in please!
Hi Jaime!
What a lovely surprise. Thank you!
I’m glad this old lady inspires you a little bit…. 🙂
You are so welcome and — for the record — you are not an old lady 🙂
ohhh i love checking out the blogs you’ve nominated! I wanna try some of the meal ideas on Smitten Kitchen too!
Oh, you definitely should. I have some deserts I can recommend if you’re interested. Deb’s the BEST!