07/ 16/ 2012
Reading Nineteen Eighty-Four felt like a psychedelic experience, wherein George Orwell’s words were my drug of choice. I enjoyed my “trip” and loved how inquisitive the novel made me. His ideas are complex, but clear, and make you examine what’s familiar. Gosh, I’m thinking Nineteen Eighty-Four made me even more paranoid than I already am… just kidding!
The story captures the life of a man named Winston. He lives in a dystopian society called Oceanian, which is governed by a group of totalitarians called The Party. Almost from the start, we learn that Winston hates his government, and deep down, dreams of rebelling against them. He doesn’t share this with anyone until meeting Julia. It’s a common abhorrence of The Party that initiates their love affair. Together, they are more vocal about their disdain for Oceanian’s leaders; but in the end, their risky actions have consequences.
As the reader, I felt like I was Winston. I read what he did; I saw what he saw; I felt what he felt and this made reading Nineteen Eighty-Four really fun and exciting. He’s such a complicated fellow and being able to deeply understand Winston’s choices made me feel more invested in the story. It’s been a while since I felt this way about a character and it definitely made me like the novel more.
That being said, it took me a couple of weeks to finish the book, mainly because I went back to certain chapters and re-read sections. Logically, it’s brilliant; it just took me some time to sort through. Also, I couldn’t stop thinking. I kept trying to figure out what would happen next and it was all such a mystery; I loved being in the unknown. Honestly, I wasn’t pleased with the ending. I definitely understand why Orwell made the choice he did, but I was disappointed.
Has anyone else read Nineteen Eighty-Four? I’d love to hear what you thought of the book.
I remember reading this in high school and loving it. I don’t remember much else other than I devoured it. Does that ever happen to you where you read a book so fast (because it is that awesome) and then you can’t remember it very well just a few months/years later? It happens to me all the time! I’m going to put this back on my book list.
btw, I’m reading Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter right now and it is another one I don’t want to put down…
I’m glad the book was like that for you! It’s so interesting and I can’t imagine how much planning went into it on Orwell’s part. That book has been on my list for awhile. A president and vampires?!? How much better could it get?!