Last Saturday, I joined approximately 250,000 people in New York City to march. We were all called to march for our own reasons. And while not everyone publicly bore those reasons on poster boards or even their bodies, there was one commonality: solidarity.
I was nervous to march. I struggle in large groups of people. It’s difficult for me and has caused panic attacks in the past. But I couldn’t not show up. I needed to stand with my fellow women. I needed to be present with the thousands of others who have felt less than because of our country’s newly elected administration.
There were other reasons why I marched, which I will share now. Here’s my march manifesto:
I believe in the strength of female leaders who have come before me like Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Angela Davis, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dorothy Parker, Rosa Parks, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nina Simone, Gloria Steinem, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman and Alice Walker. Their heroism and passion changed my place in this world.
I believe in a person’s right to choose. We are a country founded on freedom, and everyone should have access to that freedom. It’s what makes our country different; what makes us beautiful.
I believe that no person, even the leader of our country, should be able to intervene with a person’s body and what is the best choice for them in that moment.
I believe in Planned Parenthood.
I believe that no person should be targeted best on their race, sex, gender, pronoun, immigration status, income, neighborhood, job or clothing choice.
I believe that part time employees are entitled to the same benefits as full time staff members.
I believe health care should not be treated as a privilege. That it should be a person’s right. Health care should be accessible to every person in this country.
Welcome! I'm Jaime, a 30-something girl living in New York City. Like one of my favorite heroines, Alice, I felt I'd lost my "muchness" when I first moved to NYC. This blog continues to help me find it. I hope you'll be a part of the adventure!
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